Is niche really just special commoditized?
I have already talked about how much I have enjoyed The Industry & Competitive Analysis elective this period. Prof. Cool really does bring the course to life with a combination of his deep knowledge and unique style of delivery. We have talked about several things in the course: Supply-chain management, vertical integration, network effects, critical mass attainment, disruptive technologies...just to name a few.
Still, one thing will remain etched in my mind for a while. "Niche is small". Most companies proclaiming themselves as niche are in fact just...well...small. No two ways about it, according to dear Prof. Come to think of it, this rather rigid rule applies surprising consistently. Begs the question, do organizations choose to play niche or is it just a consequence of their lack of size? Ponder away...i suspect its more complicated...could make for a long, dreary exercise in intellectuality.
So, here's a more interesting question: can specialty be commoditized? I look at my class and here, everyone is bright, driven, disciplined and ambitious. Its the norm. I once remember those being strong, worthy qualities. But in this ocean of relative equality, have we essentially commoditized ourselves? Sure seems so, which is a real pity because I dont care how closely matched people are, each person still does bring his or her unique experience and perspectives on a whole host of issues.
And while in another couple of months, we would all be on our way out of INSEAD, my close friends and colleagues will have their own special place. We wont commoditize ourselves and to most of us, that still counts for a lot!