Sunday, April 08, 2007

The Ding-effect...the Good and Better sides

The Ding-effect...tame and even capricious it may sound, yet under-estimate it at your peril!

Indeed, the Ding-effect has descended upon the P4s like a hailstorm in June, unexpected in its arrival and brutal in its intensity. You apply to a get dinged. You get a first round interview then get dinged. Now you even get dinged by companies you never applied to! Lord O lord, there are dings galore.

Three weeks ago, the question I faced was: which of the TOP companies are you applying to? Two weeks ago it was: which companies are you applying to? A week ago: which of the top companies dinged you? Today, do you have any interviews at all...? Didn't think so!

Well, I find varying reactions amongst the student body. Me, I look at it this way. Sure these are insecure times, but in all honesty, most of us knew that the search for employment was not going to be a cakewalk. I welcome this insecurity. It is challenging me to really think about what I want to do...not for the next 3 or 5 years, but for the next 20 years! The party's coming to an end...and two years from now, when I DO have a great-paying job and still feel unsatisfied, perhaps I will look back at these uncertian times and learn to finally value my job and life to the extent it deserves


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