Saturday, September 16, 2006

Buddy lunch and its ramifications...

A couple of days ago, 2 of my batchmates and I were invited to lunch with a "senior" of ours (December 2006 class). Daniel introduced himself as a French-American (which I must admit, left me very curious as to the kinds of contradictions Daniel must have had to face over the last few months). Tact and a rush of sanity prevented me from broaching the subject...

Anyway, the lunch was a class-wide initiative by the senior class to increase contact between the 2 batches. I looked at it as a terrific opportunity to learn the dynamics of how INSEAD terms of electives, campuses and of course recruitment. I have started my course in Singapore, but at some point will transfer to the France campus. Now exactly when this should be done seems to depend on so many variables, it puts the Demand curve well-nigh to shame! In addition, of course, there is the small matter of the INSEAD-Wharton exchange program to consider as well.

Daniel had several interesting points to share, not least of which was the apparent lack of academic challenge in Wharton ! Now, I realise that a 2-year MBA cannot be compared to INSEAD, but the comment was extra-ordinary. Apparently, the only students who head to Warton are those committed to gaining employment in the US (mind you, this might be a very generalized statement...much like the results of my recent MBTI test). Of course, noone is exactly handing me a Wharton exchange on a plate, but I was wary of this move to begin with. His comments have nearly pushed me to the edge.

As has become customary these days, most of the discussions I have are opening doors. When, if ever, will some of them start to close? Patience, boy. In addition, there was the not-so-comforting thought that the P1 load will feel like a holiday compared to P2/3. I look forward to P4 already.

Enough for today, I gotta rush to Holland Village and check out a local Singaporean rock band perform...saw them last week as well and man, do they ROCK !


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At 3:34 AM, May 06, 2018, Blogger sherrysabri said...

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At 3:33 PM, May 14, 2018, Blogger مروة محمد said...

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نحن شركة من أقدم الشركات الرائدة في مجال مكافحة الحشرات بمنتهى الجودة وبأسعار مناسبة في متناول جميع العملاء ليستطيعوا طلب الخدمة في أي وقت والحصول عليها لقتل كافة الحشرات والقضاء عليها نهائيا وضمان عدم عودتها مره أخري وهذا لتجنب أضرار وجود الحشرات في المنزل أو الشركة أو المصنع وغيرهم ومن أهم مخاطر وجود الحشرات ما يلي
أولا تسبب الحشرات انتشار الكثير من الأمراض في المكان الذي تتواجد فيه
ثانيا وجود الحشرات في المكان يدل على عدم نظافة المكان وبالتالي يشير الاشمئزاز من قبل أصحاب المكان بالإضافة إلى عدم رغبة الأهل والأقارب في زيارتهم بسبب وجود الكثير من الحشرات في المنزل


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