Thursday, September 07, 2006

A new beginning...

Though this post comes about 2 weeks late, it is still relevant. My first days at he INSEAD Business school and what do I say about it?

Course I only got to know I was through about 3 weeks before class was to start...not the ideal preparation, but then better to have at least that than say a day !

I am getting adjusted to life here and classes (and the accompanying massive workload) is just around the corner.

Campus is terrific, if just a little small. Housing is a nightmare ! Everyone is smart, but a lot aren't really sure what they wanna do. The diversity is unmatched. Truly amazing...I have a Swedish techie, an Irish accountant, an Austrian consultant and a Greek marketer as my groupmates.

Virtually no American students which is sad, cuz I think they still make the best MBAs. No Chinese either which is so intriguing, I think someone ought to research that.


At 8:44 PM, September 07, 2006, Blogger sudeep said...

About the chinese part , even I am surprised....Man!!! The diversity is truly startling !!!

never knew there were swedish techies....

At 10:08 PM, September 07, 2006, Blogger Rajiv said...

remove those edit-me's from your side bar. go to templates and remove the links from there. and link to my blog. so that my rank increases :)

At 12:22 AM, September 08, 2006, Blogger Sujai said...

Keep logging your experiences and other interesting episodes including your observations and learning from business schools. It would be interesting for some of us (who did not or could not attend business school) to learn some of it :) [without having to pay large sums of money].

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