Friday, September 08, 2006

First week over and reality has hit us all !

Well, the first week of classes just got over and I now know first-hand, what doing an MBA in a year means from a top B-school really entails. The FMV (Financial Management & Valuation) class today went so fast, I thought Mike Tyson had punched (and bitten) me.

Barely had I come to terms with Time-Value-of-Money that we were dissecting the concept of Zero-coupon bonds. The same class had us calculating the Yield-to-Maturity for such Debt securities. Man, I need to catch up and fast. The amount of reading to do per day is almost ridiculous. And of course, we get these pleasures at a cost of Euros 45,000 no less !

Yet, there seems to be an eclectic mix of quantitative courses (FMV, Accounting), some analytical ones (Prices & Markets) and some "softer" courses such as "Leading People & Groups". The latter, subjective as it may seem, is probably most important in the long run. The professors are amazing. Wow ! They are all seasoned, honed to the nail.

All in all, I am really happy with my decision to come to INSEAD so far (D-UH -- no brainer !) Whichever way it goes, this is gonna be a hell of a ride...


At 5:39 AM, September 09, 2006, Blogger sudeep said...

Yet, there seems to be an eclectic mix of quantitative courses (FMV, Accounting), some analytical ones (Prices & Markets) and some "softer" courses such as "Leading People & Groups".

I think the quantitative courses are the ones which most of the guys might work on all the time...I am sure many guys might be slogging on these...But yes the softer courses are the real "take-away" from INSEAD.

At 3:17 AM, September 10, 2006, Blogger Milan said...

Yup...that is pretty much the case

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